Prince William County is located on the Potomac River in the Commonwealth of Virginia in the United States.
As of the 2010 census, the population was 402,002, on July 1, 2019, the population was estimated to be 470,335, making it Virginia's second-most populous county.

Prince William real estate market

Prince William Real estate market descirption Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pellentesque massa non enim porttitor maximus. Morbi non enim ante. Sed lacus tellus, laoreet sed hendrerit ac, molestie sed dui. Nullam laoreet sapien ut felis vehicula, eu venenatis nisi cursus. Praesent eu porta ligula, a pellentesque ipsum. Donec sit amet vulputate metus. Sed ornare nisl ligula, sit amet lacinia nisi aliquet ac. Donec nibh magna, interdum non lectus ac, congue accumsan leo. Morbi consectetur nisl ut ipsum pellentesque, efficitur rhoncus turpis bibendum. Ut molestie dictum nunc at pellentesque. Donec faucibus sit amet odio at semper.

Interesting Facts

The Bureau of Economic Analysis combines the independent cities of Manassas and Manassas Park with Prince William County (within which the two cities are enclaves) for statistical purposes
The county is divided into seven magisterial districts: Brentsville, Coles, Potomac, Gainesville, Neabsco, Occoquan, and Woodbridge.
Prince William County Public Schools is the second largest school system in Virginia (having recently overtaken Virginia Beach City Public Schools)
The National Museum of the Marine Corps is located in Triangle, Virginia and is free to the public.
The Prince William Public Library System is a regional public library system that serves Prince William County, the City of Manassas and the City of Manassas Park. The system consists of 6 full-service branches and 5 neighborhood branches that covers the entire Prince William area.

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